Lockset and Handles
Our Partners In Supply

Quality and security are an integral part of every product. Knowing that all Weiser products will function properly and provide the added protection and security you expect, allows you to choose from a number of stylish products with confidence. After all, we've been doing this for over 100 years. Although times and styles have changed, Weiser is right there keeping a finger on the pulse of consumers' needs. We are committed to continuously introducing new styles and finishes that fit the needs of today's changing lifestyles and fashion trends.

When we think of our homes, we often do so from the perspective of the interior — the view from our kitchen window, the colour of our living room walls, the texture of our favourite chair. Yet the feel our home conveys begins long before our guests enter our living room, or peer out our kitchen window. It begins at the street, where the door and the entrance make the first impression.