Winterburn Truss
Winterburn Truss is a leader in the design, manufacture and distribution of Roof and Floor Trusses, I-joists, Laminated Veneer Lumber (LVL), Emercor Structural Insulated Panels, West-lam laminated Beams, and Steel Posts.

Truss Plant Overview
Edmonton Factory Location
Product Categories
How We Build
With climate controlled manufacturing, lumber remains dry, resulting in straight components due to less warping, twisting and shrinking. That means you'll have less cracks and nail pops and windows and doors will fit properly, thus requiring fewer repairs and adjustments later on. Computer technology ensures that cuts are made precisely and components fit together with great accuracy.
Larger trusses are built on automatic Wizard jig tables with SL lasers overhead showing the orientation of piece and gangnail plates. This helps with efficiencies and quality which in the long run saves the customer money. These tables can build up to 13’ tall by 100’ long. Our smaller trusses are built on a manual Pacific Automation MINI 6 table which is mini but we are able to but jigging anywhere on it to ensure quality trusses.